Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day takes place on Thursday 18th July
and Friday 19th July 8:30am - 1:00pm.

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Train to Teach

Train to teach in an outstanding post-16 school...

We run a school-based PGCE Further Education and Skills (FES) course, in association with the University of Sunderland, and are recruiting for September.


Take a tour...

Produced by former student Nathan Clark,
Director of Canvas HQ...

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Bridget Phillipson MP Visit

As part of our ‘North East Inspiring People’ programme, Durham Sixth Form Centre was delighted to welcome Bridget Phillipson, Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South. Bridget was born and raised in Washington, attending local schools and joining the Labour Party aged 15. After reading Modern History at Hertford College, Oxford, where she was also Co-Chair of the University Labour Club, Bridget returned to the North East. Before becoming an MP, Bridget managed a refuge for women and children fleeing domestic violence.

Since her election Bridget has served as an Opposition Whip, and has sat on a number of Parliamentary select committees, including the high-profile Public Accounts Committee. In April 2020 she joined the Shadow Cabinet under Keir Starmer as Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, before being appointed Shadow Education Secretary in November 2021.

Bridget talked to a packed theatre of staff and students where she emphasised the power and importance of education in providing opportunity for young people. She spoke about her own journey into politics and the importance of attendance at school and the impact on exam success. Bridget also recognised that more could have been done to support young people and their mental health in a response to COVID, and that this is still an ongoing challenge.

Bridget gave students a free remit to ask any questions about topics they care about. Issues such as the future of BTECs, reforming Ofsted, extending SEN provision and training, plans to grow a renewable energy sector in the North East, extending democracy, increasing mental health provision, minimum wage and their future in the towns they live in were all discussed.

A welcome addition to the ‘Inspiring People of The North East’ line up was Ben Fazakerley, an ex student from 2017. Ben is now working in Westminster alongside Bridget and her wider team, putting his Politics degree to good use. Inspiring to see what our students go on to achieve! Ben is seen in the picture directly opposite next to Dr Fraser, his A Level Politics teacher during his time at Durham Sixth Form Centre. 

Bridget Phillipson is to set out the “generational challenges” facing England’s schools and pupils in a keynote speech in the next few days.

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