Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day takes place on Thursday 18th July
and Friday 19th July 8:30am - 1:00pm.

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Train to Teach

Train to teach in an outstanding post-16 school...

We run a school-based PGCE Further Education and Skills (FES) course, in association with the University of Sunderland, and are recruiting for September.


Take a tour...

Produced by former student Nathan Clark,
Director of Canvas HQ...

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In January, we invited DEN (Deaf Empowering Network) to host a 6 week course of workshops of BSL (British Sign Language) for students.

The course was developed for learners who wish to a acquire basic understanding of BSL for the purpose of holding a simple conversation with deaf people, including – family, friends, and colleagues.

This was an exciting opportunity, especially for those interested in career paths in fields where BSL proficiency is an asset, such as education, healthcare, and social services. From this course, students are now able to stand out in university and job applications, by showcasing a commitment to diversity and inclusion. 

It was led by the incredible Michelle Calvert, a profoundly deaf teacher with a passion for empowering others and her interpreter, Emma.

Over the 6 week course, students gained an overview of deaf culture, deaf history and deaf awareness, giving them a good understanding of the background to BSL. They learned basic BSL, including some common words and words relevant to them. They also learned how to finger spell.

To top the 6-weeks off, the students then participated in a BSL Bingo game as a class, where they solidified their understanding and signed numbers in BSL.

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