Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day takes place on Thursday 18th July
and Friday 19th July 8:30am - 1:00pm.

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Train to Teach

Train to teach in an outstanding post-16 school...

We run a school-based PGCE Further Education and Skills (FES) course, in association with the University of Sunderland, and are recruiting for September.


Take a tour...

Produced by former student Nathan Clark,
Director of Canvas HQ...

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Durham Sixth Form Centre Secures Top Quality In Careers Standard

We are delighted to announce that we have, once again, been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard (QiCs), through Investors in Careers, following our reassessment for the award in October 2022. The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning. It demonstrates Durham Sixth Form Centre’s commitment to providing first-class careers education. 

Following our assessment, Durham Sixth Form Centre has been accredited as “fully meeting all the accreditation criteria, incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks” which is an amazing achievement. The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman and define what world class careers provision in education looks like, and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision in schools. 

In her feedback, the lead assessor commented that: “there is clear strategic support from the Governing Body and

Headteacher for developing and implementing the careers programme at Durham Sixth Form Centre, which is known as the Careers, Progression and Aspiration Curriculum”, “there is robust evidence in place that the advice given to students is appropriate to the individual needs of all students” and “there are clear examples of effective partnership working with the range of appropriate agencies”. 

In evaluating the Careers programme as part of the Quality in Careers Standard, the following areas were reviewed:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information (CLMI) 
  • Addressing the needs of each student 
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees

Ellen Beveridge, Headteacher, commented: “We are committed to ensuring that we provide careers education, information, advice and guidance of the highest quality in order to support students to make informed choices for their futures. This award recognises the great work that our Careers, Progression and Aspiration colleagues and wider staff team do in order to support our students. We are delighted to receive such an accolade, which recognises both our work and our commitment to our students and their futures.”

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