Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day takes place on Thursday 18th July
and Friday 19th July 8:30am - 1:00pm.

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Train to Teach

Train to teach in an outstanding post-16 school...

We run a school-based PGCE Further Education and Skills (FES) course, in association with the University of Sunderland, and are recruiting for September.


Take a tour...

Produced by former student Nathan Clark,
Director of Canvas HQ...

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Viking CSI Trip

Durham Sixth Form Centre was privileged to be invited to participate in an exclusive programme offered by the Department of Archaeology at Durham University.  The scene was set with a university style lecture in which students were given the task for the day; to solve a Viking age mystery. During a summer field course, Durham University students excavated a mysterious human burial accompanied by animal bones and artefacts. Under the supervision of academics, our students’ job would be to determine the deceased person’s biological sex, age, health, diet, identity, geographical origins, and cause of death. 

They started by exploring the artefacts brought out of the grave, including casts of human and animal bones. Professor Milek and Dr Jakob guided them through the methods used by archaeologists to analyse bioarchaeological materials, and students gained an insight into how scientific methodologies can be employed to decipher historical narratives. They explored the rich cultural tapestry of Viking Age funerary practices, beliefs, and material culture, thereby gaining a deeper appreciation for the interdisciplinary nature of archaeological inquiry.

Next, Professor Montgomery led her cutting edge research into stable isotope analysis and students used carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotopes extracted from bones and teeth to determine diet and geographical origins. She strongly emphasised the importance of skills in evaluating evidence and presenting compelling arguments within the study of archaeology. This was further highlighted after lunch when they headed into a lab equipped with computers to help us use DNA to determine biological sex and paternal ancestry with Dr Fernández-Domínguez. 

The final session brought together all of the information and data collected throughout the day, to solve this intriguing case. It was determined that this boat burial, a common funeral practice in Viking Britain, held a man and horse who had travelled from Norway along with a dog from the North East of England. Students were able to make insightful suggestions about how the artefacts found contribute to our understanding of beliefs surrounding death and the afterlife at this time. 

The day gave an enriching insight into this fascinating realm where science and history converge, leaving participants inspired and equipped with newfound knowledge and skills.

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