Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day

Year 11 Taster Day takes place on Thursday 18th July
and Friday 19th July 8:30am - 1:00pm.

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Results Day

Year 13 Results

Yet another extraordinary year of results for students both national and at Durham Sixth Form Centre. Two-thirds of all A-Level entries awarded at grades A*- B. Students have gained on average a Distinction/Distinction* in vocational courses. Well done!

Train to Teach

Train to teach in an outstanding post-16 school...

We run a school-based PGCE Further Education and Skills (FES) course, in association with the University of Sunderland, and are recruiting for September.


Take a tour...

Produced by former student Nathan Clark,
Director of Canvas HQ...

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Summer 2021

It is hard to believe we are now well into the summer term.  Where did all that time go?  I hope you, your family and your friends are happy and healthy and that the roadmap out of lockdown fills you with renewed energy and optimism.

It is wonderful to hear and see the enthusiasm of our young people as they return for the summer term and to see them utilise so much of our outside space to sit and chat, spend long lost time with friends and to remember life in a normal year.  This is of course helped by warmer weather and the sun gracing us with its presence every now and then.

The summer term, as always, promises to be a busy term.  For Year 13 students, they are completing their in-class assessments prior to the May holiday.  At this point they will leave us and begin studying, planning and preparing for those next steps at university and perhaps moving out of home; or for the few this year, they will be leaving us to start their higher level apprenticeship.  

Year 12 begin their in-class assessments straight after May half term and will not sit formal exams until the autumn term.  

All of our students have continued to respond well to the changes impressed upon them and I must take this opportunity to thank both them and their parents for the continued words of support and encouragement in what has been a difficult year for us all.  It is always reassuring to hear such positivity through your feedback.

For prospective students who have applied to study with us next academic year, congratulations if you have been offered a conditional place.  Students have applied to us in even greater numbers this year and whereas it is difficult to turn some down, it is always wonderful to support so many.  Many of you have told us you look forward to working in an exclusively 16-19 school which has an adult atmosphere and climate for study and that you are ready to move on and be challenged further.  We look forward to meeting you towards the end of the summer term and will keep you abreast of arrangements as soon as we are able to begin firming up our plans.

For now, we wish you all well, take care and best wishes.

Ellen Beveridge


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