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Exam Information

Examinations are essential for post-16 students as they assess knowledge, skills, and readiness for higher education or work. They promote discipline, critical thinking, and time management while serving as benchmarks for universities and employers. Exams also help students identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding their future choices.

This page outlines the procedures for any student who is undertaking exams or completing non-exam assessments, including important information that you must be aware of and the Examination Governing Body (JCQ) rules and regulations.

Please read all of the information to ensure you are not in breach of any of these regulations.

JCQ Information for Candidates

We are required to provide you with access to information for examinations and assessments. The school provides you with this information on behalf of the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).

You must follow these rules for all examinations and assessments. Anyone who breaks the rules has to be reported to the relevant Examination Boards and it is up to them to decide how to deal with the matter, for example they may decide to withdraw all of your examinations.

Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) publishes a number of key documents which candidates should familiarise themselves with prior to sitting any external examination or assessment.

Please visit JCQ’s website for further information.

Key Information

Students are required to be at the location of examination 15 minutes prior to the timetabled start time. If you are going to be late please get in touch with the examination office as soon as possible preferably by phone 0191 383 5965. Unknown late arrivals may not be permitted entry to the exam room.

Important: Failure to follow published regulations will be reported to the exam board and may result in you being withdrawn from the qualification.

Please note these following points:

  • Ignore the seat number on the timetable; this is purely for administration purposes.
  • Specific exam instructions will be provided in the examination room.
  • Do not open the paper or write anything until you are told to do so.
  • Do not speak to anyone other than an invigilator once you have entered the exam room.

Please Read the Points Below Carefully

Student ID

Student ID cards are needed for entry into the examination and your photograph must be visible. These must be displayed on your examination desk.


Please bring the correct equipment e.g. a black pen, pencil, calculator. Pencil cases must be clear.


Water is permitted in examinations in a clear bottle with no writing on it and the label removed.


Students must be dressed appropriately for an examination. Students are not permitted to wear hooded tops, hats, scarves or outdoor clothing during an examination.


No watches or web-enabled devices of any kind are permitted (including airpods).

Mobile phones

Mobile phones must be left outside the exam room and switched off.

Exam Information

If you have any concerns relating to the examinations, please do not hesitate to contact the Examinations Manager:
Mrs Kathryn Afsahi on or 0191 3835965

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